ChatGPT for Executives: The Future of Business
1 day

Specifically for executives and senior managers, this course explores AI, ChatGPT, and GPT Prompt Engineering concepts and practicalities. We offer effective techniques, strategies, and applications for integrating ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, Bedrock, and other AI technologies into your company. This information is relevant to board-level directors, departmental heads, and executives, and will help you plan for AI implementation both now and in the future.

What You'll Learn

  •  Understand the basics of AI within the corporate environment
  • Master prompt engineering for effective Business Interaction with AI
  • Why it’s necessary to set GPT and ChatGPT standards for your business
  • Understand Departmental use of GPT & ChatGPT
  • Comprehend the Board level benefits of Prompting
  • Witness Implementation of advanced AI concepts
  • Plan for AGI entering the Corporate World
  • Stay ahead of the curve by learning about the future of ChatGPT and AI.


    Discover ChatGPT, the AI system with a natural English language interface that anyone can use. We’ll clarify the basic technology and then show you how to control ChatGPT through professional ‘prompt engineering’. This will dramatically improve the quality of responses from the AI.

    You’ll learn how to set a strategic direction for the use of ChatGPT within your organisation by specifying a style and tone for employee interaction with the AI. We’ll then examine executive use of ChatGPT, from summarising boardroom meetings to strategising areas that your business does not yet cover, improving customer experience, and more. All of this has the potential to dramatically enhance executive decision making, improve service delivery,  whilst increasing productivity.

    To illustrate the possibilities of AI, we’ll demonstrate some of the most recent use cases that we have solved within our AI consultancy projects. This will include Customer Service ChatBots, Personal Thought Coaches, Avatar Creation, Iterative Automatic AI, and more.

    Finally, we’ll examine the latest advances in the AI field, including Bedrock, X.AI, and Auto-GPT. This topic is constantly evolving, and we’ll make sure to provide the most up-to-date information.

    PLUS – each delegate will receive a free booklet of 100s+ prompts that can be used in their working environment. Simply copy and paste a chosen prompt into ChatGPT.

    Session 1 : AI Basics

    • AI & AGI
    • Large Language Models
    • Natural Language Processing
    • OpenAI, Bard, Bedrock, Bing
    • ChatGPT & GPT
    • Playground vs Chat


    Session 2 : Business AI and Prompt Engineering

      • Simple Prompts
      • Chats and Transfer Learning
      • Perspective and Language
      • Set the Scene…
      • Explain like…
      • Expand on…
      • Chain-of-Thought: Single & Multishot
      • Let’s Take It Step-by-Step…
      • Act As…
      • Output format

    1hr. 15min.

    Session 3 : Executive Prompts

      • Executive Role Use Examples
      • Set Corporate ChatGPT Style & Tone
      • Email Integration
      • Spreadsheets
      • Reports
      • Departmental Use
      • Social Media Integration
      • Executive Board Use Examples

    2hrs. 45min.

    Session 4 : Executive Direction

    • Understand ChatGPT usage costs
    • LLM limitations
    • Processes streamlining
    • Productivity increased
    • Enhanced customer experiences
    • Develop new and innovative products and services
    • Redesign and improve service delivery
    • Amplify expert knowledge
    • Free up employee time
    • Creating new value

    1hrs 30min.

    Session 5 : Advanced Executive Use

    • Interviewing
    • Strategy
    • Speeches
    • Annual Report

    0hr. 30min.

    Session 6 : Advanced Executive Use

      • Bard, Bedrock, Bing, X, Notion
      • ChatGPT Plugins
      • ChatBots: your Personal Assistant
      • Iterative Automatic GPT
      • AGI’s arrival

      0hr. 30min.

      Who this Course Is For

      • This course is designed for Executives, CEOs, Directors, and Senior Managers.
      • Professionals who are seeking to understand ChatGPT’s capabilities and how to integrate ChatGPT into their corporate life.
      • Directors, Executives, and Managers seeking to enhance their professional skills and improve team efficiency.


      Duforest Systems


      This course will be presented by an experienced CEO who has many years of experience leading and delivering IT consultancy and training.

      Early-Bird Discount

      We offer a 25% Early Bird Discount for any booking made at least one month in advance of a presentation date.

      “While everyone has access to the ultimate power of ‘ChatGPT,’ those who master the input prompts are the ones who will succeed beyond others.”


      Public Courses

      Presented to delegates from several different companies, in Guernsey and Jersey hotels, usually from 9am to 5pm. A maximum of 10 delegates attend. The syllabus is generic.

      Exclusive Courses

      Presented exclusively for a company or team, at a venue and time of your choice. The syllabus can be tailored uniquely for the presentation. The number of delegates is negotiable.

      Ready to Reserve a Place?

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